Due to the quarantine, students of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit are studying online. The current situation has thrown a kind of challenge to the country’s education, with which higher education institutions are successfully overcoming. The pandemic made it clear to us that we need to be flexible and be able to quickly adapt to new approaches, processes and learning technologies. The educational process at the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit has also switched to a distance form. November 2, 2020 Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor M.Telovata, gave a lecture on the discipline “Accounting”. Distance education is an interesting innovation. NASAA actively uses Moodle, Zoom, […]
On March 20, 2019, the Department of Foreign Languages of the National Academy of Accounting and Audit held a student scientific conference “The use of terminological vocabulary in the language of professional communication.” The conference was attended by students of the financial and economic, accounting and statistical faculties of NASAA and college of business and analysts. Participants of the conference prepared substantive presentations in English in relation to innovative processes in management, the current state of the banking and financial system in Ukraine and the world, the rapid development of IT and the market of services, etc.: KaterinaMorozova “Innovative Management Techniques”; DmitroButuzov “The Japanese Economic Miracle after the Second World […]
There is no doubt that poetry is important in the spiritual enrichment of people. It is designed to excite, delight, cultivate certain feelings, unite the nation and unite humanity. That is why in 1999, the UNESCO’s 30th Session set the World Poetry Day, a day that is celebrated every year on March 21st. It was first celebrated on March 21, 2000 in Paris, where UNESCO headquarters are located. On the eve of the World Day of Poetry on March 19, the students and teachers of our Academy participated in the literary and musical composition: “Poetry is uniqueness, an immortal touch of the soul.” Favorite poems by well-known poets were performed […]
The staff and students of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit sincerely congratulate the doctor of pedagogical sciences, the professor, the head of the department of accounting and taxation of the Maria Telovata with the awarding of the honorary title “Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine” We wish you good health, lasting optimism, creative inspiration and new achievements in the educational fields. We are confident that this high state award will give you even greater incentive for your professional activities for the benefit of the Academy!
In pursuance of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated November 28, 2018, No. 1313 “On conducting All-Ukrainian student Olympiads in the 2018/2019 academic year” and with the aim of seeking and supporting gifted student youth for three days on February 19, 26, 28, 2019 The Department of Accounting and Taxation of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit conducted the first stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the specialty 071 “Accounting and Taxation” and the disciplines “Management Accounting” and “Bank Accounting”. The event was attended by 57 students of accounting, statistical and financial-economic faculties of 3-5 courses in the specialties “Accounting and […]
On February 14-15, 2019, the Department of Accounting and Taxes held the defense of the graduation qualification papers of masters of correspondence and distance education of the program “Accounting and taxation in the management of entrepreneurial activity”. Masters of groups MOA 17.01 and 17.03 presented interesting qualifying studies covering the actual issues of accounting, taxation, analysis, control, audit of enterprises, organizations, institutions. The head of the examination commission was appointed head of the department of accounting and taxation of doctor of economics, professor of the Kiev Cooperative Institute of Business and Law, Valentyn Shpak. The commission consisted of: vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical and educational work, doctor of economics, professor […]
On the basis of Zhytomyr’s State Technological University, for the third time the All-Ukrainian competition of bachelor and master’s degree in the specialty “Accounting and taxation” took place. This year’s Competition took place in conditions of high competition: 103 master’s and 38 bachelor’s degrees were submitted from 49 higher education institutions. According to the results by the competition commission, open discussion and evaluation on the basis of certain competitive criteria, the winners included the work of two students of the Accounting and Statistical Faculty of NASAA, who studied under the master’s program “Accounting and taxation in the management of entrepreneurial activity”. In particular, the diploma of the 1st degree was […]
In January 2019, the Academy hosteda public defense of the master’s degree in the “Accounting and taxation” on the specialty of “Accounting, Audit and Taxation” on the accredited master’s program of ACCA “Accounting, Audit of Business Activity Management” of the daily and part-time students. According to the results of the defense, the examination committee under the chairmanship of the Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Tax Management of the Vadim Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Accounting and Taxation of M. Bondar, made a decision on the award of graduates of the Master’s degree in specialty 071 “Accounting and taxation”. During the […]
According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated January 22, 2019 No. 72 l at the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, an expert commission consisting of: Olena Volodymyrivna Fomina – Head of the Department of Accounting and Taxation of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Doctor of Economics, associate professor, chairman of the commission; Nelya Nikolaevna Proskurina – Professor of the Department of Accounting and Taxation of the Zaporizhzhya National University, Doctor of Economics, Professor. in the period from January 28 to January 30, 2019, conducted an accreditation examination of the activity of training specialists by the educational-professional program “Accounting, Audit […]
Annually the All-Ukrainian Contest of Student Art Works “IT Fantasies and Cybernetics” is held at the Department of Economics and Mathematical Sciences and Information Technologies of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit. The purpose of the competition is to stimulate intellectual and cultural development of youth, increase its social and scientific and cognitive activity; to promote economic cybernetics as a science and possibilities of information technologies with young people; Development of creativity of youth. Participants in the Competition were pupils of 9-11 classes. This year, 19 projects were submitted in the nominations: “If I had traveled the world, what would I tell and shown about Ukraine?” “Triangles around […]