Category Archives: The Faculty of Accounting and Statistics

The XVI International Conference “Statistics in Ukraine and the World: Status, Trends and Development Prospects” was held

The XVI International Conference “Statistics in Ukraine and the World: Status, Trends and Development Prospects” was held

On December 5, 2018, at the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, the XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference on the occasion of the Day of Statistics Workers “Statistics in Ukraine and the World: Status, Trends and Development Prospects” was held. The conference was attended by scientists and practitioners from Ukraine and foreign countries – France, the Kingdom of Morocco, Poland, the USA, Azerbaijan and Belarus. More than 100 authors have published their reports in the conference proceedings. The conference was opened by the rector of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences […]

He Worked More Than He Was Alive…

He Worked More Than He Was Alive…

Before the anniversary of Boris Hrinchenko (09.12.1863 – 06.05.1910), the students of the scientific circle “SICH” together with the students of NASAA held a round table devoted to this tireless figure of the Ukrainian culture. Before the performances of the students, the documentary film “Great Enlightener” was watched. From the reports of fellow students, the students learned that Hrinchenko is not only the author of the famous 4-volume explanatory Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language, but also a poet, prose writer, playwright, lexicographer, ethnographer folklorist, linguist, teacher, author of textbooks for junior schoolchildren, translator, journalist , the editor of the newspaper “Hromadskaya Dumka” and the magazine “New community”, the chairman of […]

Digital World Seminar Ukraine 2018: New Technologies Overview

Digital World Seminar Ukraine 2018: New Technologies Overview

Teachers of the Department of Economic Cybernetics and Mathematical Methods took part in a series of workshops from international speakers: specialists from IBM (USA), NIKE (office in the OAU), Alsago Innovation Platform (Canada). Expert support was provided by the Kyiv School of Economics in cooperation with Integrated Technology Laboratory (Intela) (USA). Participants were able to get acquainted with the experience and real cases of international companies and to communicate with leaders in the world of AI & Data Science. Each day was devoted to one of the leading business sectors: finance, trade, telecommunications, logistics, transport, etc. Ukrainian development for the educational sector – an information project for students “Study Pass” […]

Results of the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on the “Statistics” discipline

Results of the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on the “Statistics” discipline

On April 3-5, 2018, the 2nd stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on the “Statistics” discipline took place at the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit. 47 students from 23 higher education institutions of Ukraine have participated in the Olympiad. The jury of the Olympiad included leading scientific and pedagogical workers of the Academy and other higher educational institutions of Ukraine: S. Herasimenko, Head of the Department of Statistics of the Academy, Doctor of Economics, Professor; N. Kovtun, Professor of the Department of Statistics and Demography of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Doctor of Economics, Professor, S. Chervona, Associate Professor, Department of Statistics of the Academy, Candidate of […]

“The main directions of interaction with representatives of the metropolitan business. Provision of services and the fiscal component”

“The main directions of interaction with representatives of the metropolitan business. Provision of services and the fiscal component”

Teachers of the Accounting and Taxation Department have attended the seminar of the Main Directorate of the DFS in Kyiv “The main directions of interaction with the representatives of the metropolitan business. Provision of service and the fiscal component”. On March 15, 2018, a seminar was held in which more than 147 employees of the fiscal service of the State DFS in Kyiv took part in the seminar, among the participants were invited lecturers of the Department of Accounting and Taxation of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit: Head of the Department, Doctor of Pedagogy, professor M. Telovata, chief accountant NASOA Lysilenko L.V., doctor of economical sciences, professor […]

VI Student Scientific Conference “Use of terminological vocabulary in the language of professional communication” took place

VI Student Scientific Conference “Use of terminological vocabulary in the language of professional communication” took place

On March 20, 2018, the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the National Academy of Statistics of Accounting and Auditing held an annual VI student scientific conference “Use of terminological vocabulary in the language of professional communication”, which was attended by I-V students of all specialties. The participants of the conference prepared interesting and meaningful presentation presentations in English: Lola Ibrahimova, Marina Lysenko. Subject of the report: “Boss – Employee Relationships”. Financial and Economic Faculty, IV course; scientific supervisor – N. Dyukanova. Anastasia Maistrenko, Olha Kolos. Subject of the report: “Happiness at Work”. Finance and Economics Faculty, V course; scientific supervisor – N. Dyukanova. Alena Luhovska, Victoria Beloyavan. Subject of the […]

Kruty – a battle for the future of Ukraine!

Kruty – a battle for the future of Ukraine!

Heroes of Krut are the Cyborgs of 1918! The Battle of Kruty is a symbol of the heroism of Ukrainian youth. It was the cold January day in 1918, the young men, who never held arms, stood against a fierce enemy, they were the students of Kiev University of St. Vladimir and pupils of the Kirillo-Methodius Brotherhood gymnasium, there were three hundred of them. They not only deterred the enemy, but also caused a significant defeat to the “red horde”! Despite decades of oblivion and active rewriting of history by “Soviet historians”, Ukrainians always remember the Kruty Heroes – the children of Ukraine, who gave their lives for its future. […]

Cooperation of the Department of Accounting and Taxation with the All-Ukrainian newspaper “All about Accounting”

Cooperation of the Department of Accounting and Taxation with the All-Ukrainian newspaper “All about Accounting”

Department of Accounting and Taxation has organized a student meeting of I-V courses of the Faculty of Accounting and Statistics of NASAA with PR-manager of the All-Ukrainian newspaper “All about accounting” O. Stuzhuk. During the meeting, O. Stuzhuk, acquainted future specialists with the features of the accountant’s work, emphasized the need for self-development, self-improvement, free possession of modern information technologies. From the story of O, Stuzhuk, all the students have learned a lot of useful information: how to be a highly qualified specialist, how to build relationships in a team, what knowledge and skills are necessary for professional activities, how to present yourself to employers and the like. The students […]

Radio Dictation 2017

Radio Dictation 2017

On November 9, 2017 on the Day of Writing and Language, for the seventeenth time Ukraine wrote a radio dictation of national unity. The motto of the current dictation: We are many, we are different, but we are united by language. Previously, radio dictation was perceived as a test of knowledge. And now – it’s a language holiday, it’s a thousands-strong flash mob, to which the students of our Academy also joined in order to get positive, to feel like a real Ukrainian. The main thing is that the language flash mob unites people all over Ukraine. The day of writing and language is also the day of unity of […]

Congratulations to the participants of the stage II of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on the specialty “Accounting and Audit”

Congratulations to the participants of the stage II of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on the specialty “Accounting and Audit”

By the fulfillment of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1495 of 09.12.2016 “On holding the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in 2016/2017 academic year” in order to improve the quality of training of qualified specialists, searching for gifted students, creating conditions for creative growth on the basis of the Dnepropetrovsk University named after Alfred Nobel on April 19-21, 2017, during the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the specialty “Accounting and Audit” among students of higher educational institutions of III-IV levels accreditation. Students from 60 leading higher educational institutions of Ukraine (120 participants) took part in the Olympiad. During the Olympiad, the participants […]