On December 12, 2024, academic and teaching staff of the Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance, as well as students of the OPP “Finance, Banking and Insurance” of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit took part in a discussion of key issues related to the state budget for 2025. The event was organized by the Centre for Economic Strategy (CES). The moderator of the discussion was the executive director of the CES Hlib Vyshlinsky. Leading experts and specialists joined the event, including: Sergiy Marchenko – Minister of Finance of Ukraine; Garry Polushkin – Project Manager in Ukraine, German Economic Team in Ukraine (GET); Olena Bilan – Director of […]
Writing and defending of the courseworks is an important stage in the education of students pursuing the educational and professional program “Finance, Banking and Insurance.” This process contributes not only to consolidating knowledge, but also to developing analytical abilities, critical thinking and skills for the effective presentation of research results. On December 4, 2024, at the Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance, courseworks were defended by applicants for the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education of group 21.04 in the academic discipline “Financial Analysis.” Students presented the results of their research. The defense took place with the participation of DSc, Professor, Honored Economist of Ukraine, Head of the Department T. […]
On November 28, 2024, as part of studying the educational component “Banking Business,” applicants for the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education of the third year of the EPP “Finance, Banking and Insurance” joined the seminar from the NBU on “Trends in the Financial Sector of Ukraine and Tools for Risk Management,” which was held via videoconference. Applicants for higher education had the opportunity to get acquainted with the latest trends in the financial services market, requirements for banks’ Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP), credit risk assessment of banks’ corporate borrowers, bank stress testing, use of the macro-financial modeling for macroprudential policy purposes and with practices in managing climate […]
On November 29, 2024, at the Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance, a methodological seminar was held on the topic: “Competence approach in higher education: basic concepts and categories.” The moderator of the event – PhD, Associate Professor Vita Fedyna. Active participation in the discussion of the issues of the seminar took: Head of the Department, DSc in Economics, Professor, Honored Economist of Ukraine Taisiya Bondaruk; PhD, Associate Professor Lyudmila Bogrinovtseva; PhD, Associate Professor Iryna Zaichko; PhD, Associate Professor Yuliia Koverninska. Within the framework of the methodological seminar, attention was focused on the introduction of a competence approach to the professional training of specialists in higher education institutions.
In accordance with the plan of holding open lectures of the Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance for the academic year 2024-2025, on December 2, 2024, DSc in Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance Taisiya Bondaruk held an open lecture on the discipline “Budget System” for applicants of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education on the topic: “Budget Expenditures on Public Debt Servicing.” The lecture discussed the classification of public debt, the features of servicing and methods of managing public debt. The content, clear structure of the lecture, techniques used to maintain attention – all of these activated the thinking and performance of students, […]
On November 27, 2024, a regular meeting of the student scientific circle “Financier” was held, which was coordinated by PhD, Associate Professor of finance, banking and insurance Yulia Koverninskaya. This time the participants of the circle discussed the topic “Financial policy of Ukraine under martial law.” Presentations were made by students: Anastasiia Khmiliar (4th year), Inna Strashna (3rd year) and Yuliana Petriv (4th year). Within the scope of the meeting, a number of important issues were discussed, in particular: financial policy of the state as a tool to ensure social protection of the population in war conditions; current realities and prospects of the budget policy of Ukraine; state investment policy […]
On November 26, 2024, a scientific seminar was held at the Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance on the topic: “Ways to counter insurance fraud in modern conditions of development.” Moderator – PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance Lyudmila Bogrinovtseva. The seminar was attended by academic staff and applicants for higher education of the EPP “Finance, Banking and Insurance,” along with members of the student scientific circle “Financier.” Lyudmila Bogrinovtseva focused the participants of the seminar on the need to build an effective system to combat insurance fraud; analyzed the dynamics of the number of cases of insurance fraud in the period from 2019 to […]
On November 22, 2024, scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance and applicants for the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education of the EP “Finance, Banking and Insurance” attended a guest lecture by Oleksandr Melnychenko (Professor at the Department of Finance at Gdańsk University of Technology and an entrepreneur) on the topic “Opportunities, Risks and Prospects of Private Investment and Savings in Poland,” organized by Sumy National Agrarian University. During the presentation, the lecturer shared practical experience in investing, choosing an investment plan, risk diversification, spoke about the possibilities of private investment as an alternative to savings and their addition and the feasibility of investments […]
The Day of Dignity and Freedom is celebrated annually on November 21 to honor the patriotism and courage of citizens who in the fall of 2004 and in November 2013 – February 2014 stood up for the protection of democratic values, rights and freedoms of man and citizen, the national interests of our state and its European choice. On this day, Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Law and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Т. Havrilyuk organized a round table where first-year students Nekhtsa A., Chaplyhina A., Didkivska A., Budariev O., Samokha V, Kondratentko M. presented reports on historical events that deeply influenced the consciousness of Ukrainian society and changed the […]
On November 21, 2024, a roundtable discussion on “Innovations in Ukraine’s Dairy Complex” was held, organized by the Department of Management, Marketing and Public Administration of NASAA. Lipsky Yuriy, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Management, Marketing and Public Administration discussed the current state of development of the dairy industry in Ukraine. Radko Vitaliy, DSc in Economics, Professor, Senior Technical Advisor of the Agricultural Entrepreneurship Project Swisscontact, acquainted the participants of the meeting with modern trends in the dairy sector, highlighted the specifics of implementing innovations in this field in Ukraine, considering global experience. The event was attended by applicants for higher education of the first (bachelor’s) […]