On April 24, 2017 at the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit at the initiative of the Faculty of accounting and audit, department of accounting theory, in celebration of the Week of the Faculty of Accounting and Audit, a master-class has been held by the director of scientific and practical journal “Accounting and Audit “, PhD, Associate Professor Y. Yanchenko for students and faculty. The theme of the meeting: “Accountant and society: expectations and requirements” Moderators of the event – head of the Department of Accounting Theory Prof. N. Malyuha and Ph.D., professor of the Department of Accounting Theory V. Parkhomenko. “Accounting and Audit” – a well-known scholars and […]
On April 11, 2017, at the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit a lecture on “The security of users of information systems in Cyberspace” has been held. Lecturer: Serhiy Hnatyuk of the National Aviation University, assistant professor of information technology security, PhD. Students – faculty, staff of structural subdivisions of NASAA, students from different courses and specialties have received information on the most pressing threats in cyberspace evolution of cybercrime in the context of the development of information and communication technologies. Also the basic concepts were concerned, classification and models of information security in accordance with applicable international standards and regulations. Lecturer acquainted with statistics of incidents in cyberspace, […]
On February 23, 2017 teachers of the Department of Accounting and Audit have conducted the 1st stage of Ukrainian Olympiad of specialty of “Accounting and Auditing”. Olympiad’ participants were students of III-V years and specialty 8.03050901 6.030509 “Accounting and Audit”. During the contest, students-participants have performed a written job that combines knowledge of subjects “Accounting”, “Financial Accounting 1-2”, “Management Accounting”, “Business analysis” and “Audit”. By the results of the Olympiad in NASAA the winners were: Among the students of 3rd year: place – Kharchenko Nelya. place – Tymoshenko Ol’ha, Kovalenko Kateryna, Manoyil Liya. place – Ishchuk Mykhaylo Among the students of the 4th year: place – Reshetnyk Tetyana place – […]
The National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, on the 23-24 of January, 2017, has organized a defense of master works of the students of AA(m) 11.01/1.2. Defense of the master’s works is an important milestone in the life of each student, marking the graduation and obtaining the diploma. This procedure included the report of the student, designed demonstration material, presentation of the content of the theme of which was prepared in advance. As a result of the defense of master’s theses Examination Board, chaired by professors Herasimovich A, Sopko V, have decided to work on estimates and their protection, qualification of Master of specialty 8.03050901 “Accounting and Auditing” and […]
On January 25, 2017, a meeting of staff of the Association of Chartered Certified Auditors of Ukraine and students from the 12.01/1 specialty “Accounting and Audit in Business Administration”, which is accredited by ACCA Accelerate, took place. The management of ACCA Ukraine, Belarus and the Caucasus invited students together to congratulate students who successfully passed the exams in December 2016. The Head of ACCA Ukraine told the story of ACCA in the world and in Ukraine. Were announced statistics on the number of members of ACCA Ukraine. It is expedient to note that such a meeting with students of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit was held for […]
On December 2, 2016, at the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, the XIV International scientific and practical conference took place on the topic of “The system of state statistics in Ukraine: Current State, Problems and Prospects”. The conference was attended by domestic and foreign scientists and. The conference was opened by the Rector of the Academy, Doctor of Public Administration, professor, corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine, Honored Economist of Ukraine A.H. Osaulenko. Vice President of NAS of Ukraine, Doctor of Economics, professor, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Scientist of Ukraine S.I. Pyrozhkov greeted the audience as well. The conference was also attended by Chairman of the […]
On November 28, 2016, within the research of the Department of Accounting, an interesting and useful meeting of students was held, undergraduates and professors of the Faculty of Accounting and Audit of NASAA with chief editor of a national professional newspaper “All of accounting”, O.H. Stepovyy. His speech on “Finding work: tips for a prospective employer” was accompanied by a slide show, that was appropriately complementary to the interesting story of the practitioner. Participants have heard a lot of good: the role and the combination of freelancers – “noble samurai” of the Internet and its advantages (reputation and responsibility); how to make a resume, particularly pay attention (to individuality, correctness and […]
From 24 to 28 of October 2016 Faculty of Finance has celebrated its week, which has already become a good annual tradition. Students and teachers have demonstrated their scientific achievements and creative talents. As with any holiday, Faculty week began with greetings and a sweet picnic. Also on October 24 under the auspices of the Department of Finance, a VI student scientific conference has took place on the subject of “Problems and prospects of development of the modern financial system of Ukraine”, in which young authors have attempted to present their coverage of scientific questions, present their vision of economic issues. On October 25th, students have met the advisor of […]