Winter meeting of the ACCA representative with the students and the leadership of the Academy

Winter meeting of the ACCA representative with the students and the leadership of the Academy

On February 14, 2019, in the Academy, the regular working meeting of the representative of the Association of Certified Chartered Auditors (ACCA) in Ukraine, Belorussia and the Caucasus, by Viktoriia Volotovska, with the leadership of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, and students of the 4th and 5th year of accounting- the statistical faculty of the specialty 071 “Accounting and taxation”, which are studying under the program “Accounting and audit in the management of entrepreneurial activity”, registered in ACCA. In the course of the working meeting, issues of improving the informative and material support of cooperation, implementation of organizational arrangements for the interaction of the Academy with ACCA […]

Results of the All-Ukrainian contest of student’s works “IT-fantasy and cybernetics” 2019

Results of the All-Ukrainian contest of student’s works “IT-fantasy and cybernetics” 2019

Nomination: “If I had traveled the world, what would I tell and show about Ukraine?” Student’s ID City Overall total of Place Σ max 100 Yuliana Petriuk, Eva Ryaba Kyiv 100 1 Margarita Vasyutin, Diana Marinchuk Kyiv 95 2 Danata Prudnikova Kyiv 95 2 Alyona Vernigor Kyiv 93 3 Victoria Samotkan, Katerina Kucherenko Kyiv 91 4 Oleksandr Krochak, Diana Sidorenko Kyiv 91 4 Vitalina Semehen Mihove 91 4 Dmitro Khilko Kyiv 88 5 Ruslana Buynitska Shostka 87 6 V. Zolotukha, E. Dimpul, M. Prikhodko Kyiv 85 7 Kristina Strazhir, Angelina Trufen Mihove 80 8 Bogdan Palamarchuk, Anastasia Zabolotna Kyiv 79 9 Nomination: “Trianglesaroundus”. Student’s ID City Overall total of Place […]

The winners of the 1st round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student’s scientific works on the specialty “Finance and Credit” were determined

The winners of the 1st round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student’s scientific works on the specialty “Finance and Credit” were determined

The All-Ukrainian contest of students’ scientific works is organized annually in order to support gifted student youth, create conditions for their creative growth, intensify the research work of students in higher educational institutions and execute the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Following the results of the competition, the best scientific works of the students were selected, which will be sent to the basic HEI for participation in the 2nd round of the Competition. The winners of this year’s Contest are: Ilona Shtelmakh, student of the 5th year of the 14.04/1 group; Ekaterina Tokareva, student of the 5th year of the 14.04/2 group; Sergey Rukhalo, student […]

Defense of the master’s degree in the specialties of “Accounting and taxation”

Defense of the master’s degree in the specialties of “Accounting and taxation”

In January 2019, the Academy hosteda public defense of the master’s degree in the “Accounting and taxation” on the specialty of “Accounting, Audit and Taxation” on the accredited master’s program of ACCA “Accounting, Audit of Business Activity Management” of the daily and part-time students. According to the results of the defense, the examination committee under the chairmanship of the Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Tax Management of the Vadim Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Accounting and Taxation of M. Bondar, made a decision on the award of graduates of the Master’s degree in specialty 071 “Accounting and taxation”. During the […]

Advanced Training of «Scientific-pedagogical workers (organizers) of distance learning at LSN Moodle»

Advanced Training of «Scientific-pedagogical workers (organizers) of distance learning at LSN Moodle»

Teachers of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit successfully passed the advanced training in the category of “Scientific-pedagogical workers (organizers) of distance learning at LSN Moodle”. The courses of advanced training were conducted by the Central Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education of the State University of Educational Sciences “University of Education Management” of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. Within two weeks the teachers actively improved their pedagogical skills, social psychological readiness and acquired innovative experience in order to further train students on the latest knowledge and skills using the latest tools and technologies. After the defense of their graduation works, all participants of the program […]

Accreditation examination of the activity of training specialists by the educational-professional program “Accounting, Audit and Taxation”

Accreditation examination of the activity of training specialists by the educational-professional program “Accounting, Audit and Taxation”

According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated January 22, 2019 No. 72 l at the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, an expert commission consisting of: Olena Volodymyrivna Fomina – Head of the Department of Accounting and Taxation of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Doctor of Economics, associate professor, chairman of the commission; Nelya Nikolaevna Proskurina – Professor of the Department of Accounting and Taxation of the Zaporizhzhya National University, Doctor of Economics, Professor. in the period from January 28 to January 30, 2019, conducted an accreditation examination of the activity of training specialists by the educational-professional program “Accounting, Audit […]

Results of the All-Ukrainian Student Contest “IT Fantasies and Cybernetics” of the 2018-2019 academic year

Results of the All-Ukrainian Student Contest “IT Fantasies and Cybernetics” of the 2018-2019 academic year

Annually the All-Ukrainian Contest of Student Art Works “IT Fantasies and Cybernetics” is held at the Department of Economics and Mathematical Sciences and Information Technologies of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit. The purpose of the competition is to stimulate intellectual and cultural development of youth, increase its social and scientific and cognitive activity; to promote economic cybernetics as a science and possibilities of information technologies with young people; Development of creativity of youth. Participants in the Competition were pupils of 9-11 classes. This year, 19 projects were submitted in the nominations: “If I had traveled the world, what would I tell and shown about Ukraine?” “Triangles around […]

Corporate Seminars of the National Center for Accounting and Auditing

Corporate Seminars of the National Center for Accounting and Auditing

At the end of the year, the National Center for Accounting and Auditing of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit traditionally holds corporate seminars. This year for the specialists of accounting services of the State Enterprise “Ukrainian State Center of Radio Frequencies”. From December 17 till 21 of December, accountants, with the help of the teachers of the National Center for Accounting and Audit, have mastered the latest requirements of International Accounting Standards.

Intensive English Courses Began

Intensive English Courses Began

On the initiative of the International Relations Office, intensive English language courses began on Dec. 10, 2018 and are held by Sam Couls (Great Britain). Classes are held in a fun, friendly, comfortable and pleasant environment. What are the results of courses with the native speaker? First of all, it is an effective linguistic practice, the development of spoken language and communication skills. Each lesson covers all aspects of mastering the foreign language. Join us while you have the opportunity to do so!