On October 20, 2016 National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit has concluded a cooperation agreement with Kiev Research Institute of forensic examinations, which means that every NASAA student has the opportunity to take a practice free of charge. From 08.05.2017 till 30.08.2017, the students of the Faculty 12.01./1 “Accounting” are practical diploma in international audit group “SOVA” and the Kiev scientific research institute of forensic examinations. Students going through practice at Kiev Research Institute of forensic examinations: K. Lysenko – head of the practice is T. Pishcholka, O. Markina. K. Kysel’ova – head of the practice is T. Pishcholka, O. Markina. K. Vilikhovs’ka – head of the practice is […]
Scientific Information Journal “Statistics of Ukraine” and the quarterly scientific research journal “Scientific Bulletin of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit” were registered in the Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory database of american aublisher Bowker, which is the largest database that describes the global flow of serial (periodicals and prolonged ) publications in all thematic areas of life. The database contains descriptions of nearly 300 thousand serial publications, of which over 200 thousand – publications that are still running. Actively used by academic institutions to conduct research on the analysis of the global flow of serial publications in the reference and information work and in the composition of the incoming […]
Quarterly collection of scientific works “Scientific Proceedings of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit” was given the unique International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), allowing to identify periodical, increase the scientific credibility and international rating of the magazine and join the world scientific community. Registration took place at the Paris International Center, which operates with the support of UNESCO and the French government. Recorders have given the number ISSN 2520-6834.
On the eve of the Victory Day, the Academy held literary and musical composition “Victory, Holy Victory”. 8 May – a day of sorrow and sadness, 9 May – … and memory alive. Memory alive … It lives in old photographs and yellowed letters, war films and songs. Participants felt a living breathing memory while listening to and singing the songs of the war years, watching excerpts of war chronicles. Insightful songs were performed by the Dean of Finance Department, V. Parkhomenko (“До свидания, мальчики” (“Farewell, boys”)) and D. Serba (“Высота” (“Height”)). With a great sense of lyricism senior lecturer of the Department of Modern European Manguages read the poem […]
By the fulfillment of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1495 of 09.12.2016 “On holding the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in 2016/2017 academic year” in order to improve the quality of training of qualified specialists, searching for gifted students, creating conditions for creative growth on the basis of the Dnepropetrovsk University named after Alfred Nobel on April 19-21, 2017, during the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the specialty “Accounting and Audit” among students of higher educational institutions of III-IV levels accreditation. Students from 60 leading higher educational institutions of Ukraine (120 participants) took part in the Olympiad. During the Olympiad, the participants […]
On April 24, 2017 at the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit at the initiative of the Faculty of accounting and audit, department of accounting theory, in celebration of the Week of the Faculty of Accounting and Audit, a master-class has been held by the director of scientific and practical journal “Accounting and Audit “, PhD, Associate Professor Y. Yanchenko for students and faculty. The theme of the meeting: “Accountant and society: expectations and requirements” Moderators of the event – head of the Department of Accounting Theory Prof. N. Malyuha and Ph.D., professor of the Department of Accounting Theory V. Parkhomenko. “Accounting and Audit” – a well-known scholars and […]
From 19 April to 30 June 2017 as part of ElibUkr, for the library of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, the access to the electronic journals from the international company DeGruyter has been opened. Walter de Gruyter GmbH – a German academic publisher specializing in academic literature. The Archive contains: more than 900 magazines, including 507 open access more than 730 magazines in English publications with high impact factor According disciplines covered: art, history, archeology, philosophy, biology, chemistry, linguistics, literature, mathematics, physics and law and medicine. Access to resources available from the Reading Room library of NASAA via the link.
On April 1, at the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, a meeting of students with the aim of restructuring the student government has been held. New Chairman – Vladislav Didyuk, third year student of the specialty “Accounting and Audit”, Deputy Chairman – Anna Kolyada, a student of the fifth course of “Accounting and Audit”, Secretary – Yuliya Nikitina, a student of third year of “Accounting and Audit”. The Student Government included: Yuliya Yur, Oksana Pivn’ova, Inna Kravchuk and Inna Odesyuk. The Audit Committee: Andriy Synyakov, Vladyslav Smetana ta Al’ona Panasyuk.
On April 11, 2017, at the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit a lecture on “The security of users of information systems in Cyberspace” has been held. Lecturer: Serhiy Hnatyuk of the National Aviation University, assistant professor of information technology security, PhD. Students – faculty, staff of structural subdivisions of NASAA, students from different courses and specialties have received information on the most pressing threats in cyberspace evolution of cybercrime in the context of the development of information and communication technologies. Also the basic concepts were concerned, classification and models of information security in accordance with applicable international standards and regulations. Lecturer acquainted with statistics of incidents in cyberspace, […]
On March 28, 2017, at the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit held the second round of the intellectual game “The Smartest”, which gathered students of secondary schools, students of vocational schools and colleges from all over Ukraine. The hosts were the Academy students V. Diduk and A. Kolyada, they have confidently led the game. The participants have demonstrated their knowledge of economics, mathematics, geography, literature, art, traditions and songs. Answers were evaluated by the competent jury consisting of the Pro-rector for scientific and pedagogical and educational work, doctor of economic sciences, professor L. Momotyuk, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Statistics, Doctor of Economics, professor V. Panteleyev, […]