The Holodomor. We remember!

The Holodomor. We remember!

The collective of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit honored the memory of the victims of the Holodomor of 1932-1933. On November 23, 2020, according to the long-standing tradition, the Department of Philosophy and Social-Humanitarian Disciplines held the XI Student Scientific Conference “The Holodomor of 1932-1933. in Ukraine” (in the language of documents, through the eyes of witnesses). The conference was attended by the teaching staff of the academy and students. The reports covered a wide range of studies of the tragic history of our people – documents, testimonies of witnesses, coverage of the tragedy in the foreign press, a variety of monuments dedicated to the victims of […]

“Learn difficult to speak your native word!” (Taras Shevchenko)

“Learn difficult to speak your native word!” (Taras Shevchenko)

We congratulate the members of the students scientific group “Word and Time” Tupika Alina, Tkachenko Yana, Zadereiko Daria (2nd year students of the Faculty of Finance and Economics of the National Academy of Statistics of Accounting and Audit), who on November 10, 2020 took part in the All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Seminar “Language and Culture as a Form of Human Existence and Consciousness of the Nation” (National Aviation University), dedicated to Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language. Senior teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​Zinaida Varavkina and Iryna Stogniy took part in the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical Internet conference dedicated to Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language: “Ukrainian Language Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow in […]

What your future will be depends on you

What your future will be depends on you

On November 11, 2020, the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, with the assistance of the Department of Accounting and Taxation, hosted a student round table with international participation on the topic: “Everything in life depends on us.” The event, held in the format of a Zoom conference, brought together 125 participants from higher education institutions in Ukraine and Europe. Your future is in your hands!

Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language

Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language

On November 9, Ukrainians around the World celebrated the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language. Teachers and students of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit have traditionally joined in writing the twentieth anniversary radio dictation of national unity. This year the dictation was written remotely, but festively and with inspiration, because the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language is a day of unity and love for the native language.

Distance learning: activation of cognitive activity of students

Distance learning: activation of cognitive activity of students

On November 3, 2020, NASAA the Methodological seminar on the features of distance learning of students took place. The speaker and moderator of the meeting was the head of the distance learning sector of NASAA, Ph.D., Associate Professor Larysa Perkhun. Such events promote the exchange of experience, joint search for ways to solve problems related to the implementation of distance learning, strengthening the corporate spirit. The seminar was held by video conference.

International seminar “Single european higher education area: trends, challenges, prospects”

International seminar “Single european higher education area: trends, challenges, prospects”

International Online Seminar “Single European Higher Education Area: Trends, Challenges, Prospects” took place on October 30, 2020 at the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit. The seminar became an academic platform for discussing the key achievements and main challenges of the development of higher education in Ukraine and its relations with other countries in the single European space. The event was attended by 40 scientists from 15 institutions of higher education in Ukraine and Europe.

Quarantine is not an interference for NASOA students!

Quarantine is not an interference for NASOA students!

Due to the quarantine, students of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit are studying online. The current situation has thrown a kind of challenge to the country’s education, with which higher education institutions are successfully overcoming. The pandemic made it clear to us that we need to be flexible and be able to quickly adapt to new approaches, processes and learning technologies. The educational process at the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit has also switched to a distance form. November 2, 2020 Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor M.Telovata, gave a lecture on the discipline “Accounting”. Distance education is an interesting innovation. NASAA actively uses Moodle, Zoom, […]

Sheikh Ahmad Tamim Visited the Academy – Mufti of Ukraine, President of Islamic University

Sheikh Ahmad Tamim Visited the Academy – Mufti of Ukraine, President of Islamic University

On October 30, 2019, Sheikh Ahmad Tamim – Mufti of Ukraine, President of the Islamic University, member of the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations visited the Academy. During the meeting, issues of organization of training and education of foreign students were discussed. An agreement was also signed between the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Auditing and the Islamic University on cooperation in the field of education aimed at improving the quality of education, expanding opportunities for development in certain areas of educational, scientific, methodological, research and educational activities of both educational institutions.

Results of career guidance for September 2019

Results of career guidance for September 2019

Since September 2019 the active work of the vocational guidance department with schoolchildren, college and vocational students begun at NASAA. Together with the dean of the regional statistical department O. Pilipenko, the dean of the financial and economic department V. Parkhomenko and the assistant professor of the statistics department G. Golubova made visits to secondary schools and vocational schools of Kyiv region: Vyshhorod, Dymer, Demydiv, Liutizh, Novi-Petrivtsi, Stari-Petrivtsi, Havrylivka, Obukhiv, Vyshneve, Vasylkiv, Ukrainka, Trypillia, Staiky, Yurivka, Vita Poshtova, Putrivka, Kalynivka, Hrebinky, Hlevakha, Borova, Ksaverivka, Hatne, Khotiv, Novosilky, Kovalivka, Velyka Oleksandrivka, Shchaslyve, Hora. In a total, 42 schools (126 classes) were attended. Head of the Department of Information Systems Associate Professor […]

The first-year students dedication – 2019

The first-year students dedication – 2019

On September 1, 2019, according to a long tradition, celebrations on the occasion of the Day of Knowledge and an exciting ceremony of dedication of first-year students to the students of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit took place in the auditorium of the Main Department of Statistics in Kyiv. This year, the Academic Student Family has increased by more than 450 boys and girls. Rector of the Academy, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine with specialty “Statistics”, Honored Economist of Ukraine Oleksandr Osaulenko congratulated students with the beginning of the new academic year and a new […]