We are building our life route or don’t allow war to overcome your wishes and dreams!

We are building our life route or don’t allow war to overcome your wishes and dreams!

On April 26, 2022, the Zoom meeting of students of the Professional College of Business and Analytics, students and teachers of the Academy with Iryna Levynska – expert on Learning and Development, mentor on development and opportunities, director of advanced training and postgraduate education at the University of Artificial Intelligence and Digitization. The topic of the open online meeting: “Build your life route or do not let the war win your desires and dreams!”.

At a difficult time for our country and each of us personally, complex and very topical issues of how not to lose faith in life were discussed. That real happiness in life brings, in the words of G. Skovoroda, “related work” – that is, when you earn what you like to do. This is the only possible path to success. What steps are needed to build such a path for yourself in a stressful situation? As always, turn the circumstances to your advantage, even those in which we are now – war! How to take advantage of opportunities that are suddenly provided by 101% of fate, and not just see the limitations and obstacles and complain about what we can not change! How not to break when there are difficulties and obstacles and they do not end? How to keep a balance between the desire to achieve a goal and the circumstances that prevent it?

We truly thank Ms. Irina for advice, life hacks, life experience and answers to questions!

We do not lose Faith! Everything will be Ukraine!

About Олексій Ізосімов