The purpose of the science club is to unite and encourage students as future statisticians and analysts to study current issues in the field of statistics, economics and management; to intensify the scientific and creative work of students, to develop their critical thinking, to mobilize them for self-realization as specialists-analysts.

Research interests: socio-economic analysis of the state and development of the regions of Ukraine in the research topic of the Department of Statistics.

Participants of the circle are prize-winners and winners of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiads in the discipline “Statistics” and in the specialty “Applied Statistics”.

Prize-winners and winners

Prize-winners and winners of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiads in the discipline “Statistics” and the specialty “Applied Statistics”:

Year Place Name
2019 second Ткаченко Тетяна Андріївна
2018 first Авраменко Надія Федорівна
2018 second Логвін Карина Валеріївна
2017 second Клименко Костянтин Вікторович
2016 second Косяк Владислав Віталійович
2015 first Довгопола Вікторія Юріївна
2015 second Гребеннікова Марія Олександрівна
2014 second Кот Марина Анатоліївна
2013 second Капустянська Наталія Олександрівна
2013 third Павлик Яна Геннадіївна
2012 second Бондарук Іванна Анатоліївна

The well-known words

“Statistics knows everything, but not everyone knows statistics”

is a thesis that has inspired more than one statistical generation. We invite students to join our scientific society and create the future together!