At the end of the year, the National Center for Accounting and Auditing of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit traditionally holds corporate seminars. This year for the specialists of accounting services of the State Enterprise “Ukrainian State Center of Radio Frequencies”. From December 17 till 21 of December, accountants, with the help of the teachers of the National Center for Accounting and Audit, have mastered the latest requirements of International Accounting Standards.
On the initiative of the International Relations Office, intensive English language courses began on Dec. 10, 2018 and are held by Sam Couls (Great Britain). Classes are held in a fun, friendly, comfortable and pleasant environment. What are the results of courses with the native speaker? First of all, it is an effective linguistic practice, the development of spoken language and communication skills. Each lesson covers all aspects of mastering the foreign language. Join us while you have the opportunity to do so!
On December 5, 2018, at the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, the XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference on the occasion of the Day of Statistics Workers “Statistics in Ukraine and the World: Status, Trends and Development Prospects” was held. The conference was attended by scientists and practitioners from Ukraine and foreign countries – France, the Kingdom of Morocco, Poland, the USA, Azerbaijan and Belarus. More than 100 authors have published their reports in the conference proceedings. The conference was opened by the rector of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences […]
The witch-winter came to us with its cold magic. She covered the whole world with her wide white wings and charms, she made everything around white and cold. Who was not happy about the first snow that we’ve seen, that adorned the whole world around us with miracle! Who did not admire the frosty morning, when everything is covered with silver fluffy frost! Winter is beautiful and charming in its own way! In winter, you live in a magical and unique fairy tale. And the tale is everywhere … And it is so important that everyone feels it with their soul, so that admire the beauty and uniqueness of their […]
Before the anniversary of Boris Hrinchenko (09.12.1863 – 06.05.1910), the students of the scientific circle “SICH” together with the students of NASAA held a round table devoted to this tireless figure of the Ukrainian culture. Before the performances of the students, the documentary film “Great Enlightener” was watched. From the reports of fellow students, the students learned that Hrinchenko is not only the author of the famous 4-volume explanatory Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language, but also a poet, prose writer, playwright, lexicographer, ethnographer folklorist, linguist, teacher, author of textbooks for junior schoolchildren, translator, journalist , the editor of the newspaper “Hromadskaya Dumka” and the magazine “New community”, the chairman of […]
Settlement schedule Students of the College of Business and Analytics of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit: August 27, 2018 Students that entered the Academy in 2018: Specialty “Economic”: August 27, 2018 Specialty “Accounting and Auditing”, “Management”, “Finances, Banking and Insurance”: August 28, 2018 Students who already lived in the Academy’s hostel: Faculty of Economics and Statistics: August 29, 2018; Faculty of Economics and Finance: August 30, 2018. Attention to the students who settle in the hostel of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit. Here are the necessary things to have: Certificate of the results of fluorography; 1 photo 3х4 for registration of a pass; The […]
July 10, 2018 the Academy received own DOI prefix. A Digital Object Identifier is a or used to uniquely identify objects, standardized by the (ISO). The DOI for a document remains fixed over the lifetime of the document, whereas its location and other metadata may change. The DOI is used to “permanently identify intellectual property samples in a digital network and to associate structured data in an expanding way” From now, the Digital Object Identifier will apply for all scientific production by NASAA, namely: periodicals, conference materials, monographs, textbooks.
The experience of vocational guidance work of the department and the pedagogical staff of the Academy shows that individual activities in educational institutions, performances among students are not always fully effective and do not allow to achieve the desired results. Only a comprehensive approach provides the opportunity to be at the center of attention of students, to raise their interest, and in the future – to contribute to the formation of motivation to choose a higher educational institution to obtain a particular profession. This may be a series of career-oriented activities of informational, advertising and cultural-creative nature. So, let’s say, participation in trade fairs with the subsequent departure to specific […]
On April 25, 2018, employees of the department of professional orientation work H. Cherusheva and A. Sinyakov and the dean of the Accounting and Statistical Faculty O. Pylypenko represented the Academy at the Fair of Occupations, which, at the initiative of the Center for Employment, was held in Kaharlyk, Kyiv region, on the basis of the City House of Culture. The trade fair was attended by pupils of 8-11 grades of ten schools in Kaharlyk and the district (totaling more than 400 children). Representatives from 16 educational institutions from five regions of Ukraine came to the meeting with the student youth, including: National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, National […]
Trainees from the local schools in Chyhyryn have traditionally been presented with a slide presentation about the Academy, they have been provided information about the NASAA Business and Analysts College. The school higher-ups expressed interest in further cooperation with the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit. During the tour the students were informed about the research activities of the faculty and international relations, familiar with the material base of the Academy, classrooms, gyms, language laboratories, a library and other departments. Students got acquainted with the conditions for admission to the Academy and the College of Business and Analysts, received information about the possibilities of parallel training programs. At a […]