Department of Statistics, Information Technologies and Mathematical Methods in Economics was established simultaneously with the creation of the Academy. For more than a 20-year period of the department, existence was developed, tested, and created an integrated system of statistical profile personnel training, scientific research is conducted.
Department of Statistics prepares bachelors and masters degree in “Applied Statistics” field “Economics and Entrepreneurship”.
This career path for which are prepared graduates-Masters of a leading higher education institution “National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit”, acquiring profession by a specialty “Applied statistics”.
Head of Department
- Olena O. Horobets, PhD in Economics.
The Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” grants higher education institutions an independence in the formation of curricula and programmes. The National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit has taken full advantage of this opportunity by creating an educational programs of training specialists in Applied Statistics and Business Analytics in such a way as to provide them with sufficient knowledge, skills and abilities to work successfully in senior management positions at all levels.
Working in such positions requires a comprehensive in-depth knowledge of three sets of disciplines, which are taught at the professional level by the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit:
- A set of disciplines the study of which provides the acquisition of skills in the formation of accounting and analytical information – 10 disciplines of statistical and accounting.
- A set of disciplines the study of which allows to analyze phenomena and processes occurring at the level of business entities in market conditions, in individual territories or industries and on this basis to work out and monitor the implementation of business plans, develop management decisions for development of territories or industries – 8 disciplines.
- A set of disciplines in computer science mastering which allows the executive to freely use all the acquisitions of modern computer technology (Internet information, packages of applied statistical programs and information processing programs, online communication for the transmission and receipt of data and reporting forms ) – 4 disciplines.
The high quality of education which is controlled by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine is provided by the relevant material and technical base of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit as well as the teaching staff of high professional level – professors, doctors, associate professors, PhDs.
The lecturers of the statistics department providing training in “Applied Statistics” and “Business Analytics”:
- have an extensive practical experience;
- prepare and publish textbooks and manuals in the disciplines they teach, present their papers at scientific conferences and workshops;
- the department is the organizer of the annual International scientific and practical conference “The System of State Statistics in Ukraine: Current Status, Problems, Prospects”. The results of the conference are published in a special volume of scientific papers the authors of which are scientists, scientific and pedagogical workers, statisticians, doctoral candidates, postgraduate students and students of economic specialties of higher education institutions of Ukraine;
- the results of scientific achievements of the teaching staff are published in leading professional editions particularly in such journals as “Statistics of Ukraine” and “Scientific Bulletin of NASAA”.
The department also provides retraining (for provision of second higher education) and advanced training of employees of state statistics in the specialty “Applied Statistics and Business Analytics”. Training of highly qualified specialists in statistics is carried out through postgraduate and doctoral studies in the scientific specialty “Statistics” with subsequent defense of dissertations in the Specialized Academic Council.
Scientific and teaching staff of the department have direct links with educational and research institutions of foreign countries. Due to the establishment of fruitful relations with international statistical organizations (France, Germany, Slovakia, Poland) members of the department participate in scientific and practical seminars and scientific conferences, where they report on the results of their scientific activities. Scientific and pedagogical staff of the department represents well-known specialists in the field of statistics. Among them O.H. Osaulenko, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; PhD in Economics, Associate Professor G.V. Holubova; PhD in Economics, Associate Professor M.Y. Potapova; PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of NASAA S.P. Chervona. Leading specialists of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, well-known scientists and practitioners are also involved in the education process.
The department performs fundamental and applied research in the field of statistics in several areas. The first of the scientific brunches is devoted to the new for independent Ukraine topic on conducting and processing the results of population censuses. The founder of this school of statistics in Ukraine is Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, the Honored Economist of Ukraine O.H.Osaulenko. The second area is a complex scientific topic on which there have been conducted several studies in some fields of statistics and different regions of the country, including banking, customs, medical and other areas of statistics. The result of these studies in recent years has been the defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Economics in Statistics (V.S. Mykhailov, Y.S. Tsal-Tsalko, V.K. Danylko, O.V. Honchar, O.V. Zhuravliov , T.V. Kobylynska) and PhD dissertations (O.I. Kremin, R.P. Zadorozhna, O.I. Kolodiazhna, G.A. Pashynska, O.S. Dotsenko, I.O. Klimova, G.V. Holubova, I.M. Kovalevska, G.Y.Yeliseeva, P.V. Khazan, Y.A. Deina).
The department provides students with the necessary methodological tools for learning, writing term and qualification papers, training and internships. The department prepares electronic textbooks for training masters in the programs “Official Statistics” and “Business Analytics” on the latest innovative technology with the use of modern information and communication tools and the Internet in the educational process such as distance learning.
1. Master’s program “Official Statistics”
The introduction of the program is based on the growing need to improve the organization and conduct of state statistical surveys, statistical data collection, statistical evaluation, intensity, structure and dynamics of socio-economic phenomena and processes, relationships between them with the aim of characterizing the conditions and trends of socio-economic development of the country and its regions.
Training under this program meets the needs of specialists of the State Statistics Service and its regional offices in acquiring knowledge about modern methods of data collection and processing based on the centralized organization of national statistics, taking into account the possibility of further reforming this system meeting the need to introduce modern information technology.
The specialist in state statistics should be able to: organize and carry out statistical observations, perform summary, classification and grouping of collected data, conduct sample observations, study time series, perform statistical distribution estimates, use index, correlation-regression and analysis of variance to obtain information on the degree of interaction links between socio-economic phenomena and processes, etc. Particular attention in the training of specialists in this field is paid to modern methods of organizing and conducting state statistical observations, the use of computer technology for processing and transmission of statistical data, etc.
The purpose of official statistics is to create statistical information on the quantitative assessment of the relationship of socio-economic phenomena and processes occurring in the country, its individual regions, industries and enterprises, the availability of which allows to develop sound management decisions the implementation of which will improve the efficiency of economic processes and social living conditions.
2. Master’s program “Business Analytics”
The introduction of this program is due to the growing need for statistical assessment of phenomena and processes that characterize the economic sphere of the country at the macro level, in-depth study of their intensity, structure, dynamics and relationships, development of statistical forecasts, the information of which will substantiate business plans. Mastering the system of relevant statistical indicators will help future managers-analysts to better navigate the complex macroeconomic relationships of a market economy, identify them, analyze, draw conclusions and make management decisions that will help achieve business goals.
A business analyst must be able to organize and perform statistical observation, summarization and grouping of data, conduct a sample survey, calculate absolute and relative indicators, averages (with a characteristic of the average), study time series, apply index, correlation-regression and others methods of analysis, etc.
The field of activity of business analysts is related to the analysis of phenomena and processes of formation and use of material and technical base, formation and use of labor resources, production of products and services, formation of prices and tariffs, commodity and financial markets, ensuring the appropriate level and cost of people’s living. Statistical management is a new branch of statistical science and practice, the knowledge of which makes it possible to organize the collection of statistical data at the enterprise, suitable for further processing using statistical methods in order to obtain information, the use of which will improve the quality of management.
Contact information
Office #305, 1, Pidhirna str., NASAA, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04107
tel.: +380 (44) 489-42-56
social networks: Facebook