About the II round of the All-Ukrainian contest of student scientific works in the areas of knowledge and specialties “Accounting and taxation” in 2017/2018 academic year.
(Extract from the order on NASAA of November 16, 2017 No. 139)
- On February 23, 2018, the first stage of the II round of the All-Ukrainian contest of student scientific works (hereinafter – the Contest) will be held on the basis of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit (hereinafter – the Academy).
- To conduct, on March 30, 2018, the second stage of the II round – the final scientific and practical conference for the Contest participants.
- Approve the organizing committee for the contest.
The deadline for accepting competitive student works was extended to 15 February 2018.
You can download the details of the II round of the competition, as well as the composition of the branch and appeal commissions.