Every Ukrainian should know their native language –
it is his duty to its people
and the state Ukraine
International Mother Language Day was celebrated worldwide on February 21. This date was set on the 30th session of the UNESCO General Conference in October of 1999, which emphasized the important role of language in education, culture, society consolidation, the formation of nation states and their strengthening.
It is estimated that from 6000 languages that currently exist, most of them are endangered of extinction in the next decade. Drawing international attention to this subject – an important step in recognizing the need to protect the diversity of cultures. Furthermore, the organization believes that the study of foreign languages and multilingualism are the keys to understanding and mutual respect.
To this date, to check the level of knowledge of written native language, teachers of NASAA were asked to write an auto-abstract.
Thank you for participation in writing an abstract, namely: O. Motuzka, L. Momotyuk, V. Parkhomenko, V. Popova, O. Yershova,O. Malyuha,O. Hulevych, I. Nadol’nyy, T. Sakada, H. Cherusheva, S. Shul’ha.
And the Departments of: finance, economic cybernetics, international management, audit, and distance learning.
There was not any surprise that the head of the Editorial Department, O. Motuzka, has best coped with the task.
We wish to further improve the level of knowledge of the native language!
Think, talk, dream, write, joke, sing, read in the native language!