Department of Economics and Mathematical disciplines and IT

Кафедра економіко-математичних дисциплін та IT.The Department of Information Technology came into existence together with the creation of National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit.

The Department of Computer Science, Engineering and Data Processing had initially been an affiliate of the Ukrainian Branch of the Interdisciplinary Institute of Advanced Training of The State Statistics Committee of the USSR since its inception on September 1, 1986.

On February 1, 1992 the Department was re-named the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and became part of the Institute for Professional Training of Statisticians and Market Specialists of the Ukraine’s Ministry of Statistics.

On September 1, 2017, it was named the Department of Information Technologies and it was and remains an important link in the educational process and scientific research in the Institute of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, later the State Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, and now the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit.

Head of Department

  • Olha L. Yershova, PhD in Economics, Docent.

Using latest hardware and software technologies the Department provides instruction in Computer Science which is an indispensable part of training of modern highly skilled economics professionals. The students become familiar with computers in their freshman year and continue till graduation from the Academy.

Students take courses related to the array of business data processing and specialize in their field of study which allows them to gain both general and specific knowledge needed for their future profession. The department faculty uses computers in statistics, finance, banking, management and economics. The students familiarize themselves with information technology, front office systems, programming, web design, computer graphics and graphic design, database development and maintenance, etc.

Contact information


Office #505, 1, Pidhirna str., NASAA, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04107
tel.: +380 (44) 486-31-17
social networks: Facebook